- 8 mg in 2 mL glass vial
A corticosteroid secreted by the adrenal cortex
- Relieves inflammatory reactions
- Provides immunosuppression
By the liver and other tissues; excreted predominantly by the kidneys
- Bronchospasm associated with acute respiratory distress not responsive to nebulised Salbutamol
- Moderate – severe croup
- Acute exacerbation of COPD
- Adult stridor (non-foreign body obstruction)
- Known hypersensitivity
- Solutions which are not clear or are contaminated should be discarded
Route of administration
- IV (administered over 1 – 3 minutes)
- IM
- Oral
Special Notes
Does not contain an antimicrobial agent, therefore use solution immediately and
discard any residue.
IV Effects
Onset: 30 – 60 minutes
Peak: 2 hours
Duration: 36 – 72 hours