- 5000 units in 5 mL plastic ampoule
Inactivates clotting factors IIa (thrombin) and Xa by binding to antithrombin III
Metabolised by the liver; excreted by the kidneys
- Acute STEMI
- Known allergy or hypersensitivity
- Active bleeding (excluding menses)
- Oral anticoagulants
- Bleeding disorders
- History of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopaenia (HIT)
- Severe hepatic impairment / disease, including oesophageal varices
- Recent trauma or surgery (<3 weeks)
- Renal impairment
Route of administration
- IV
- Bleeding
- Bruising and pain at injection site
- Hyperkalaemia
- Thrombocytopaenia (mild to severe)
Special Notes
Do not inject IM due to risk of causing haematoma
Onset: Immediate
Duration: 3 – 6 hours
The plasma half-life of Heparin is 60 minutes. As such, any patient receiving Heparin as a bolus dose will also require repeat doses if their travel time to PCI is > 1 hour.