Paramedic Student Memes and Blog
Paramedic Meme of the month – OSCE Exam Stress
Beat Student Paramedic Stress: Evidence-Based Grounding Methods
Paramedics often face high-stress situations that can evoke intense emotions. Effective management of these emotions is crucial for maintaining focus and delivering optimal patient care. Grounding techniques, rooted in cognitive-behavioural therapy and mindfulness practices, offer paramedics valuable tools to navigate these emotional challenges. Unmanaged Emotions on Student Paramedics A 2021 study published in the Journal…
Paramedic Meme of the month – End of Shift Management
Understanding Muscle Strains: From Anatomy to Treatment in the Pre-Hospital Setting
Muscle strains, also known as pulled muscles, occur when muscle fibres stretch or tear due to excessive force or overuse. These injuries can range from mild to severe, depending on the extent of damage to the muscle tissue. Typically, strains occur at the point where the muscle transitions into tendon, known as the musculotendinous junction.…
Paramedic Meme of the month – Patient History
Pre-Hospital Pain Management with Morphine
The strategic utilisation of analgesic agents like Morphine in pre-hospital settings underscores the evolving landscape of emergency medical care. As a cornerstone in pain management protocols, Morphine plays a pivotal role in alleviating acute discomfort and enhancing patient comfort during critical interventions. What is Morphine? Morphine, a naturally occurring opiate alkaloid derived from the opium…
Paramedic Meme of the month – Coffee
Fentanyl in Pre-Hospital Pain Management
The integration of potent analgesics such as Fentanyl into pre-hospital care protocols marks a significant advancement in emergency medical management. In the realm of pre-hospital pain management, where timely intervention is paramount, understanding the pharmacological properties and clinical implications of Fentanyl becomes imperative. What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl belongs to the class of synthetic opioids, designed…
Paramedic Meme of the month – Exam time!
What is a Vasovagal Syncope response?
Vasovagal syncope, also known as neurocardiogenic syncope or reflex syncope, is the most common cause of fainting, accounting for approximately 50% of all syncopal episodes. It occurs when there is a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate, causing a temporary loss of consciousness. This condition is typically benign and not associated with any…